The Top 9 Content Marketing Manager Skills To Master

A number of years ago, I was given the opportunity to work as a content marketer for one of the most well-known news organizations in the world.

At that time, I believed that the only skill necessary for me to be successful as a content marketing manager was my ability to write well.

However, it is not how the process works at all. If you want to be successful as a content marketer, you are going to need a few extra content marketing manager skills in addition to writing well.

I’ve been fortunate enough to acquire and perfect all of the most essential skills during the course of my career. In addition, this article provides a further explanation of such abilities.

However, the majority of these skills have little to do with the everyday writing that you believe to be the essential component.

Pro Tip: Click here to sharpen your content manager skills with the help of the most effective content marketing strategies.

9 Must-have Content Marketing Manager Skills

If you have been working as a content marketer for a number of years, or if you are still looking for work in this field, then you are in the right place.

In this section, we’ll talk about the 9 most important content manager skills needed if you want to do well with content marketing.

1. Copywriting

If you want to be successful in content marketing, you need to be able to create material that is very convincing and drives sales.

Copywriting expertise is absolutely necessary if you want to accomplish this goal. It’s important to remember that copywriting-based content marketing manager skills are different from those needed for regular copywriting.

For this content marketing, the copywriter needs to write sales copy that is always consistent with the brand’s identity.

It’s possible that the majority of copywriters, especially freelancers, will find this challenging. This is due to the fact that they typically produce unique materials for a variety of different companies.

So, a professional content manager will not be successful if they can’t master a certain content format, which is an important part of all the content manager skills set for success.

2. SEO Skills

SEO Skills - Content Marketing Manager Skills To Master

If you are serious about marketing your content, you absolutely must become proficient in SEO, as this is the most critical content marketing manager skill required for success.

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In order to increase their share of organic traffic, marketers need to optimize their content strategy for both search engines and readers. while still adhering to the criteria that govern keyword optimization.

Since this is the case, search engine optimization (SEO) should always be a part of content marketing, especially since SEO and content marketing work well together.

These search engine optimization skills include the capacity to finish activities like:

  • Conducting appropriate keyword research and application.
  • Stay away from keyword stuffing and the practice known as “keyword cannibalization.”
  • Understand Google Algorithm to the core.
  • Practice every single one of the most effective on-page SEO strategies
  • Continuous and comprehensive market competition analysis

However, businesses who don’t have much time on their side to practice these steps could still learn how to hire an SEO expert who will carry out these practices for them.

3. Video Editing And Production

Another important set of crucial content marketing manager skills that you need to acquire is the following. This is because people today consider video to be the type of content that they prefer the most.

The vast majority of customers would rather watch videos than scroll through text. But you don’t have to be a pro to learn how to make and edit videos for your marketing campaigns. All you need is the right video editing tool like an online video editor.

Instead, you can get started with just the essentials if you have them. We will never stop encouraging those who read our content to get a solid foundation. When creating videos, YouTube SEO tips are an absolute necessity.

4. Storytelling

The storytelling abilities of the content marketing manager are so engaging and powerful that they will make your customers constantly remember the content of your business no matter what the circumstances are.

One of the studies conducted by Eucarl Media found that “people will recall the content of a brand’s story format 20 times more than standard fact-stated material.”

Because of this, telling stories should always be included as one of the content manager skills needed by businesses. Doing so will allow you to leave a better and more lasting impression on the hearts of the audience.

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5. Graphic Design

Graphic Design - Content Marketing Manager Skills To Master

Humans tend to remember 75% more information if it is presented in a format that includes both words and relevant graphical images. They also learn best through seeing things.

Furthermore, 83 percent of marketers believe that having graphic design content marketing manager skills can help you increase the amount of time people spend reading your material.

Graphical images are also often employed on social media, which is another scenario that has been proven to have a higher conversion rate than typical social media posts.

6. Strategic Planning

Do you think you’ll be able to market your content successfully if you don’t have the content marketing manager skills to know how to plan, market, and manage your content?

Before they start the actual content writing, the vast majority of great content marketers, including those I know personally, always spend some time coming up with a strategy for content marketing.

This is because they already know that every business has its brand, which means they need a whole new set of content marketing strategies to maintain their online visibility among their competitors.

7. Project Management

The act of combining a variety of tools with your expertise as a content manager to finish a project within a predetermined amount of time is what we mean when we talk about project management.

To make the most out of this content marketing manager skill, you also need to be able to choose which jobs to take and which ones to turn down to get the most work done within a specific time.

Also, you have to learn how to use some of the best project management tools, like SmallSEOTools, Sitemanagertools, GooSuggest, and

8. Deep Understanding Of Sales Funnels

The primary objective of content marketing, just like that of other types of marketing efforts, is to persuade your targeted audience to become customers who will buy your products or use your services.

To accomplish this goal, content marketers need to acquire the content marketing manager skill required to understand this sales funnel, which is comprised of several stages of the buyer’s journey. Which include the following:

  1. The topmost level of the sales funnel (TOFU).
  2. The middle level of the sales funnel (MOFU)
  3. And last but not least, the bottom of the sales funnel (BOFU).
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Multiple procedures are required to obtain a result that can be resealed after passing through the many phases of this funnel.

Because of this, you need content manager skills to understand how the sales funnel works and how to make different kinds of content for each stage.

9. Competence In Content Promotion

Competence In Content Promotion - Content Marketing Manager Skills To Master

One component of the equation is to produce marketing content to promote it up the SERPs to get a higher CTR. But the other part, content promotion, is something that most people don’t know about.

Marketers should devote only 20% of their time to content creation and the remaining 80% to content promotion.

Derek Halpin

Even if you disagree with the above percentage data, it is evident that all the content marketing manager skills in promoting already published content are essential. This is true even if you disagree with the facts.

Regardless of how well-written your material is, if no one is reading it, your efforts will have been in vain and a waste of time and resources.

“Outreach” is those additional content manager skills needed for content promotion. It means getting in touch with influential people and asking them to help you with your promotional campaigns.

Learning Content Marketing Manager Skills Takes Time And Practice

To wrap things off, it is our pleasure to let you know that the only person who would tell you that there is no such thing as overnight success is a successful content marketer.

Content marketing is an ongoing process that requires a lot of time, effort, practice, consistency, and commitment.

Therefore, the first step you should take is to focus your attention on these top 9 content marketing manager skills that are necessary to outrank your competition at any level.

When you are happy with your current level of skill, you can then work to improve it so that you can stay competitive in the global marketing field.

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