What Is A Landing Page & Why Is It Important

What Is A Landing Page?

A landing page is a solo web page an online user “lands” after clicking through from a link, app, email, advertisement, or other similar sites on the web.

A landing page on a website is mainly created so that it can be used with a marketing or advertising campaign to bring a certain type of visitor to the page.

It is not at all like a standard Web page in any way (which typically has many goals). As a result, a landing page only has one objective, which is known as a call to action (CTA) goal.

When a landing page on a website is focused on a specific goal, it helps the page’s return on investment (ROI) and click-through rate (CTR).

Since we’ve answered the question “what is a landing page?” let’s get into the meat of the matter. We will still discuss the importance of a landing page before ending this article. Stay tuned!

The Key Difference Between A Landing Page And A Homepage

Are you aware that there are a number of characteristics that distinguish a landing page on a website and a homepage from one another? In the following section, we are going to discuss their many characteristics.

These are the characteristics:

Links Differences

Both of these entities have distinct internal linkage networks. The body content of a typical homepage, the footer, the navigational menu, and other places on the page may have a large number of links.

On the other hand, a search engine-optimized landing page will only have a few links, and in most cases, only one link (the conversion link).

CTA Differences

What is a landing page

The homepage has a more general call to action, like “learn more,” because it welcomes customers, shows them examples of your services, and has a lot of CTAs that aren’t as specific.

On the other hand, a landing page on a website will only ever serve one purpose; as a result, it will always have a customized call to action (such as “download our free ebook”).

A Different Audience And Objectives

On a website, the audiences that visit the homepage and the landing page are entirely distinct from each other. Many audience members who have not yet made up their minds about what they want are those that usually visit the homepage.

Still, people who find their way to your landing page have already shown interest in your brand and are ready to convert (either by buying your product or doing something else).

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The 2 Types Of The Landing Page On A Website

Are you aware that the landing pages that make up a website are not all created equal? Yes, of course, they may be divided up into two distinct classes, and that is something that will be emphasized in this section.

These 2 categories may seem confusing, but if you actually understand the answer to the question “what is a landing page?”  then it will be easier for you to differentiate.

The following are the two types:

  1. The Click Through Landing Pages
  2. The Landing Pages for the Generation of Leads

The Click Through Landing Pages

Most of the time, ecommerce SEO agencies and SaaS (software-as-a-service) marketers will use this type of landing page on a website to go straight for a sale or a subscription.

The majority of the time, each page will only feature one Call to Action (CTA) button that prompts site visitors to “click” so that they can carry out a transaction that is successful and complete.

Landing Pages For The Generation Of Leads

This particular type of landing page on a website is found in situations in which the proprietor of the page employs a “form” as its call-to-action strategy. It will be strongly suggested to the visitors that they fill out the form.

As a consequence of this, the “form” will capture the “lead data” of the visitors, which includes their names, emails, and addresses. Now that they have all of these facts, they can begin communicating with their visitors and driving purchases.

The Importance Of A Landing Page

Because this article is centered on the question, “What is a landing page, and why is it needed?” It is imperative that we explore the importance of a landing page, which will be elaborated upon in the paragraph that comes after this one:

1. Boost Your Credibility

If you take the time to notice, most SEO landing page examples do focus on a specific goal and service. This means that the owner of the page will have to pay more attention to how the page is put together.

Because of this, the landing page will include everything that the customer wants to see, which will increase the credibility of your brand and lead to an increase in the number of customers who patronize your business.

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2. Landing Page Can Increase Your Email List Size

Landing Page Can Increase Your Email List Size

In the same way that we described previously, in the section titled “Lead Generation Type of Landing Page,” the process by which clients fill out the form with details such as their email address, in order to record them.

This will definitely help you grow your email list quickly, and it will also give you the chance to send information about your products and services directly to your customers’ email inboxes.

3. Improve Your Brand’s Reputation

Having a clear landing page on a website will reinforce your brand’s online reputation. Even if your users don’t convert right away, having a distinct brand identity will make it easier for them to recall you in the future.

But they can still respond to your remarketing by telling their friends about you or even by giving you high-quality backlinks so that you stand out more in your niche.

4. For The Lead Generation

Because it focuses more on conversion rate than education and knowledge, this particular kind of landing page on a website has been shown to create rapid and direct leads. This is because it prioritizes conversion over education and information.

The owners of a business can get more leads by highlighting the benefits of their products, which will help them sell those things to their target audience more quickly.

5. Boost The Amount Of Traffic

Even if you are not interested in generating additional leads for your business, adding a landing page on a website may result in a 10% boost in visitor volume. This will only hold true if the SEO on your landing page is properly tuned.

So, it is of the utmost importance that you learn how to create a landing page that is optimized for search engines. This will help you get visitors from search engines and increase the chance of conversions.

When Do You Need A Landing Page?

Let us notify you that there are some circumstances in which a website almost always needs a landing page to be present. In this section, we are going to talk about the following topics:

PPC Advertising

If you are going to engage in pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, you will need to develop a landing page. This is because Google bases the quality of the PPC on how relevant the page is to the search.

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A landing page on a website that is dedicated to PPC advertising can be used to promote a new product, generate momentum for sales, and attract customers to the page. These are all things that can be accomplished by using the landing page.

Lead Magnet

A lead magnet is any digital service that requires the customer to fill out a form with their name, email address, and other information before they can buy the service.

In the case of Thailand, it is necessary to have a landing page on a website to make room for the information that will be supplied by the clients. It is also a fast way to fill out the form, so it is useful in that regard.

Attract Different Kinds Of Customers

Attract Different Kinds Of Customers To Your Landing Page

The creation of a landing page on a website is something that needs to be done if you want to bring in a diverse range of customers. However, it must be tailored to the specific characteristics of the audience in question.

If you are already familiar with WordPress, establishing a personalized landing page won’t be too challenging for you. When developing their own landing pages, we will always advise our followers to take advantage of the WordPress free landing page builder when creating theirs.

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Why Not Learn A Little Bit More?

Now that you are fully informed on the subject of “what is a landing page” and “the importance of a landing page,” let’s take a look at the list of free landing page builders you could use when building yours.

Keep in mind that if you want your online service to start producing fast traffic and a high conversion rate, then it is imperative that you begin using a landing page that has been highly optimized. This is something that you should always keep in mind.

For the time being, that will have to do! But before you leave this page, you should tell us how a website’s landing page helped you reach your marketing goal.

Let’s connect with one another in the comment section while we discuss our various experiences. In addition to that, we will do our best to respond to each of your remarks. I hope you have a wonderful day ahead!

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