How to Do Keyword Research For Free: A Beginner’s Guide

How to Do Keyword Research For Free: A Beginner's Guide

Are you aware that keywords play a crucial role in search engine optimization (SEO)? These collections of phrases or words are what determine the actual response that search engines provide for users.

If you don’t have an internet audience actively searching for your online content using keywords, your attempts to attract traffic from Google will be futile, regardless of the amount of effort you have invested.

Mastering how to do keyword research is crucial for achieving success in SEO and SERPs, and its importance cannot be emphasized enough. The consequences of committing a mistake can be quite exasperating.

Nonetheless, opting for and integrating the wrong keywords may lead to a considerable loss of time, resources, and revenue. So you must be quite strategic when it comes to conducting keyword analysis.

Now it’s important to let you know that keyword research is a task that doesn’t necessitate extensive scientific knowledge. Actually, acquiring the necessary knowledge would be quite simple if you devoted a few minutes of your time to it.

Now, let’s dive right in as we guide you through everything you should be aware of regarding how to do keyword research for free, the steps involved, and some alternative recommendations!

What Is Keyword Research?

Keyword research involves the identification, analysis, and integration of specific words or phrases that are pertinent to a specific subject, field, or niche.

It also includes grasping the search intent of internet users and assessing the popularity and competitiveness of keywords to optimize content and surpass competitors.

By learning how to do keyword research, you will have the opportunity to prioritize the most influential keywords in the content of your website. This will additionally provide you with extra time to focus on other essential areas that require enhancement within your site.

Conducting keyword analysis in a proficient manner will certainly pave the way for you while also implying a variety of advantages, such as:

  • It assists in developing a more profound comprehension of your particular market and the kind of audience you are striving to target.
  • Assists in tailoring your content strategy to match the specific needs and preferences of your target prospects.
  • Assists in boosting the volume of focused organic traffic that is directed to your domain alongside good keyword research methods.

WHY Do Keyword Research?

Conducting keyword analysis

Conducting keyword analysis on a website is crucial for enhancing the website’s content to cater to various search queries. This has the potential to attract organic traffic, enhance online visibility, and boost the CTR of the site.

WHEN To Do Keyword Research?

Note: conducting keyword analysis is typically the initial step that arises. It is always the most relevant process that needs to be conducted when optimizing your website for search engine bots.

However, keyword analysis will be conducted when you’re:

  • Currently on the lookout for a new and distinctive niche to establish your presence in.
  • Looking for some new ideas for content that you can publish on your website?
  • Making slight adjustments and improvements to your existing content in order to align with Google’s standards for optimization and performance

WHO Should Do Keyword Research?

The act of conducting keyword analysis is available to these individuals:

  • Every single blogger
  • Webmasters and site owners
  • SEO experts
  • SEO content strategist
  • Digital marketers

Brief History Of Keyword Research

Keyword research has an interesting and captivating history that covers multiple decades. The process of acquiring knowledge on how to do keyword research in SEO involves highly strategic approaches.

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This approach entails recognizing and examining the words and phrases individuals utilize in search engines, and it has undergone notable changes over the years.

During a brief exploration of the major milestones in the history of keyword research methods, we found that in the early stages of keyword analysis, the approach was comparatively straightforward in contrast to the present day.

In the 2000s, keyword research often involved a simplified approach of using Google Keyword Planner to find high-volume keywords and using them excessively in the content.

Therefore, as a result of the possibility of abuse in manipulating search rankings with subpar content, Google and other search engines have introduced several algorithm updates over time.

Here are some algorithm updates that often impact keyword analysis:

  1. Google Panda – is an algorithm update that has introduced penalties for websites with limited, poor-quality content, replicated content, and cannibalized text.
  2. Google Penguin – is an algorithm update that specifically focuses on and penalizes certain domains that participate in the unnatural utilization and overuse of keywords.
  3. Google Hummingbird – is an updated search algorithm that has greatly improved semantic search capabilities and places a major focus on comprehending the intention behind user searches.

HOW To Do Keyword Research For Free

Now that we have a better understanding of the basic principles involved in learning how to do keyword research in SEO, let’s explore the primary steps and approach required for your keyword analysis journey.

Stages Of Keyword Analysis

Stages Of How to Do Keyword Research For Free

In order to make it easier to comprehend this guide on conducting Google keyword research, we have structured the entire process into three main stages:

  1. Finding (or identifying) the Keywords
  2. Analyzing the keywords (conducting keyword analysis)
  3. Utilizing the specified keywords

1. HOW To Find Keywords Ideas

If you want to learn how to conduct keyword research, then this is the first step you should undertake. It includes creating a roster of seed or focus keywords through effective brainstorming.

There are several SEO-optimized strategies for effectively completing this task, as outlined below:

From Your Target Audience

The basis for discovering and conducting keyword analysis is comprehending your audience and their wants. When taking into account the requirements of individuals, it is essential to consider their needs and desires.

It would be beneficial to start by creating a comprehensive list of words, phrases, and topics related to your particular niche or industry. This can assist you in uncovering the desires of your audience.

From Keywords Used By Competitors

Your rivals happen to be the most valuable source of your information. This is because they might have already conducted extensive research and invested heavily in the topic you desire to rank for.

Consistently monitoring competitors is crucial for every business. By carefully examining the web content they generate and the specific terms they focus on, valuable observations can be made.

Queries On The Current Site

If your website already has an online presence, then the popular Google Search Console tool can offer you valuable insights into the keywords that Google links to your website.

This analysis offers valuable insights into your quest to master the art of conducting keyword research for blog posts. To accomplish this, just observe and incorporate the key phrases that guide your audience to your website.

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2. HOW To Analyze Keywords

Once you have acquired the initial compilation of potentially lucrative and juicy keywords, it is now time to initiate the procedure of scrutinizing and arranging them according to the worth and potential surrounding your website.

Volume Of Search

While conducting keyword analysis, the search volume metric will offer valuable insights into the level of active interest or demand for that particular term.

Therefore, it is recommended to focus on key phrases that are categorized under long-tail keyword volume. This approach enables simple ranking and assists in addressing more competitive terms with increased search volumes.

Searching Intent

Thoroughly assessing the intent behind each keyword you plan to use is of utmost importance. If you want to learn how to do keyword research in SEO, this is one of the most important things to remember.

The Search Engine Results Page is a great avenue that can offer you all the essential search intent. Consistently analyzing Google’s SERPs is crucial for gathering valuable clues on content creation related to users’ search intent.

Topics Clusters

The idea of topic clusters plays a vital role in content organization and search engine optimization (SEO). Topic clusters entail the organization of interconnected content to establish a highly-ranked content strategy.

Using topic clusters to organize keywords is a very effective keyword research method that can greatly improve the overall topic authority of a website.

In order to complete this task during your process of conducting keyword analysis, you should start by choosing a seed keyword with a high volume. Afterward, perform extensive research to identify the secondary keywords that complement it.

3. HOW To Utilize The Keywords

After conducting a search and analyzing the appropriate set of keywords, it is important to evaluate the probability of achieving a high ranking for those particular terms.

One way to approach this is by assessing the level of competition linked to each keyword. Here are some factors you should take into account in this keyword research method:

Difficulty Of Keywords

How To Utilize Key Phrases When Conducting Keyword Analysis

This pertains to the degree of competition or difficulty linked to ranking for a particular keyword in search engine outcomes. This metric should be taken into account during your keyword analysis process, as it carries considerable importance.

To assess the difficulty level of a specific keyphrase, the simplest method is to employ an SEO research tool that offers a comprehensive numerical rating for every keyword.

Aligning To Your Objective

In this guide on how to conduct keyword research for free, we will wrap up by letting you know that it’s important to align all your strategies with a particular objective or goal. Now, the majority of individuals desire it to generate additional revenue and ROI.

Therefore, when considering your keyword priorities and performing keyword analysis, it is crucial to choose the ones that can offer you the highest return on investment (ROI) in the shortest possible time.

It’s important to keep in mind that your keyword research methods should include the most appropriate keywords that align with your specific goals and desired results. Ensure that you consistently prioritize and concentrate on what brings you joy.

Alternative Suggestions For Keyword Research

Alongside the widely used Google Keyword Planner, there are various other fantastic alternative methods and resources available for performing keyword analysis. And we have provided a breakdown of them below:

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Wikipedia is known for being a vast platform that provides a plethora of content strategies. This platform has assisted webmasters and bloggers in effortlessly finding relevant keywords that rank easily.

By simply examining the meta description and opening paragraph of each Wikipedia article, you can find many relevant keywords that can be effectively used to create an optimized topic cluster.

Suggestion Keyword Tool

The Keyword Suggestion Tool provided by the well-known SiteManagerTools platform is an invaluable and complementary tool that enables users to easily generate a limitless variety of keywords.

These keywords can be effectively utilized in different marketing endeavors. And it is a good start for writers who wish to advance their knowledge by learning how to do keyword research in SEO.


Reddit is a well-known online community where users can share various content and participate in discussions on a wide range of topics, all organized into specific subreddits.

The subreddit programs offer a valuable resource for conducting keyword analysis that is relevant to your requirements. You may want to check out Keyworddit, a popular tool that offers users the monthly search volume of keywords on Reddit.

The tool enables you to enter a keyword, and it will subsequently examine a related subreddit to extract the precise key phrases. Additionally, it offers related terms alongside their corresponding search volumes.


Internet users have the ability to ask questions, and the active community on the Quora platform will quickly offer responses. Therefore, it can help you acquire knowledge about the various keyword research methods to implement.

When conducting keyword analysis within this platform, it’s recommended to check out the trending section on Quora and explore the top questions that are currently popular in order to identify relevant keywords.

Summary Of How To Do Keyword Research

Summary Of How to Do Keyword Research For Free
  • In the process of conducting keyword analysis, it is strongly advised to carefully examine the key phrases that are generating search traffic for your competitors.
  • It is important to grasp the popularity of a particular keyword during this endeavor. And one of the highly effective key metrics utilized to assess this is “search volume.”
  • When attempting to optimize for multiple associated keywords while conducting keyword analysis, it is important to ascertain if they pertain to the same subject.
  • This will assist you in determining whether it is feasible to target all of them using just one webpage of website content. However, if the subjects vary, they ought to be released separately.
  • Keep in mind that incorporating a business potential score will consistently demonstrate itself as a highly effective approach for prioritizing your roster of keyword concepts.
  • This will also make the process of promoting your product and service to your precise audience easier by creating content that focuses on a specific keyword.

Now, do you think there are any other effective tactics on how to do keyword research for free that we failed to mention in this blog post? cost that we overlooked in this blog post? If there are any, please kindly state them in the comment section.

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