30 Tips to Choose the Best Domain for Your Business
Need tips to choose the best domain? The choice of domain is a fundamental part of any website. A good domain can help you with positioning if it includes any keywords and can improve the brand image that your site transmits if it is attractive. The choice of domain is a fundamental part of any website.
Every day it is more difficult to find an original, attractive, and SEO-friendly domain, but with a little patience and imagination, we will find the ideal domain.

Tips to Choose the Best Domain
Here are some general tips:
- Choose a domain that is easy to write, verbalize, or spell. Think about whether you could easily give your domain over the phone to someone else. If so, it is a good domain.
- Choose a domain as short as possible. Big brands also use short names. Today there are no more free 1, 2, or 3 letter .com domains, hurry up!
- Choose an easy-to-remember domain. If the name has any meaning, you will make it easier, and if it is catchy you have a lot of cattle.
- If you can, buy an old domain. Search engines give more value to domains with more years, so your website will rank better.
- If the domain contains a relevant keyword, you will have many points earned to appear in the first searches for that keyword, so if you can and it is not too bad, take advantage of it.
- Choose a domain name that has something to do with your activity. Unless it is sensed.
- If your company or startup already has an original brand or name, use this name for the domain and for the site in general, otherwise, it could mislead your users.
- Avoid hyphens (-) and underscores (_). Many people do not know them or are confused and it could lead to errors, so you would lose visits and potential clients.
- For the same reason, avoid words with unclear spelling or uncommon terms, no doubt. If people don’t know how to write it.
- Also, avoid numbers in the domain. They are not liked and are not easily remembered.
- If you intend to be visited other countries, avoid numbers at all costs.
- Register your domain as soon as possible. If you have it more or less clear, do not hesitate, to register it so that it will not be “stolen” from you. In addition, domains are usually worth less than $10, it is better not to use them than not to have them.
- Choose the .com domain as the first option. Your page will rank well all over the world and the ending .com is the easiest to remember.
- If your business is going to focus only on your country, you can also use the generic one for your country (Spain .es, Peru .pe, Mexico .mx, etc.). Your page will rank well in your country, but not abroad.
- If possible, register all the possible options (.com, .es, .net, .org), this way you will avoid that competition with your same name appearing.
- You can also register the plural or singular of your domain name, as well as the feminine and masculine, if possible.
- It is preferable that the domain is hosted in the same country as the website and the company, especially for positions in that country.
- When you register it, make sure that the registration is done in your name or that of your company. Avoid future legal problems.
- Before registering your new domain, ask other people for their opinion. Sometimes what seems like a great idea to us may seem ridiculous to others. Consider other points of view.
- Use specialized tools to study the different possibilities, such as Domain Name Generator or Domain Typo Generator.
- You can also use a thesaurus if you have an idea but can’t find the free domain.
- Avoid capital letters. Register your domain name in lowercase, as everyone else does, otherwise, you will confuse your customers and it will be more difficult to remember.
- Do not accumulate consonants or use double letters in the name if possible, we are not used to it.
- Also, avoid acronyms and abbreviations. Although they have meaning for you, it may be that many other people will not and they will forget it easily or it will lead to typing errors.
- If you operate internationally, make sure that your domain has no other meaning in another language or is difficult to understand/write.
- Do not use trademarks or names of other companies for your domain to take advantage of their clientele, even if the domain is free and available. In the long run, it will bring you problems and you will never enjoy your own identity. Try to be unique.
- Do not constantly change domain, all the positioning and brand image that you have achieved will go to waste. Think about it at first, and see to the end with it.
- Do not lose it! Be aware of its expiration date and renew it when it hits. If you miss the date for a single day, your site will not be accessible through the domain you had, and it will be exposed to anyone else to keep it.
- Better if you register it for a long period of time. Not only will you not lose it, but the search engines will understand that your project is stable and this will also help you in positioning.
- Finally, on Tips to Choose the Best Domain, be careful where you register your name. There are hundreds of registration companies (almost all at the same price), so make sure it is a safe and reliable company.
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These have been my 30 Tips to Choose the Best Domain, do you know any more? Drop your comment.