Siteground WordPress Hosting Plans Review: Best Packages

What is the best Siteground WordPress hosting package? If you are looking for a hosting for your website or you are not getting good results with your current hosting, you will find all the reasons you need to start working with the best hosting,

Here we are not going to make comparisons because we ourselves have already tried several hostings over the years and we have stayed with Siteground WordPress Hosting on most of our websites and also on our clients’ projects.

It is the most balanced option in terms of value for money within the range of high-quality hostings, especially when you take advantage of the initial contracting offer, it is cheap, and it also offers advanced options.

In short, we recommend for projects with a lot of traffic whenever they ask us for advice.

Siteground WordPress Hosting Plans Review: Best Packages

Siteground WordPress Hosting Plans
Siteground WordPress Hosting Plans

What is Hosting or Web Hosting?

Simply explained, hosting is the computer on which your website is located. With all its pages, texts, images….

In this way, when a person writes the address of your website or clicks on a search that appears, they will access this computer to see your website.

There are 3 types of hosting, although if your website does not have a lot of traffic (several thousand visits per month), the first option is the appropriate one:

  1. Shared hosting: in this case on the computer where your website is located there are also other websites. Each website is in an independent space so there is no problem, they only take advantage of the same computer resources so the price is cheaper.
  1. Dedicated server: here on the computer is only your website so you have all its resources at your disposal. It is recommended for very large projects, with many thousands of visits or that require manual adjustments.
  1. Virtual server: it is halfway between shared hosting, there are several websites on the same computer, but technically each website uses its own resources. Recommended when a shared hosting starts to get small but you don’t want to invest in a dedicated server yet.

And within each type of hosting there are more or less powerful options and with a more or less cheap price according to your needs. The ideal is to start with shared hosting and only change if you need it.

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As with any computer or device connected to the Internet, this can be better or worse, faster or slower, with more advanced or obsolete technology.

That is why it is essential that your website is on good hosting.

As this article is not a comparison of hostings, we are not going to bore you explaining all the technical aspects: RAM, SSD disk, technologies …, we simply recommend the best Siteground WordPress Hosting Plans that already equip a high-level technology.

Why is it Important to Have The Best Hosting for Your Website?

When we create a new website, the most normal thing is to look for the cheapest or even free options, both to design the website and to host it.

Here is the first and great mistake of an entrepreneur on the Internet. If your website is hosted on bad hosting you will regret it a lot.

Mainly bad hosting is going to give you 2 big problems:

  1. Your website will take a long time to load and your potential clients will not wait patiently with all that implies.
  2. If the web “goes down” (you cannot access it) or any problem arises, they will not solve it for you and you will have to fix it yourself.

Now I ask you: how long do you wait for a website to load? Well, the same will happen with your customers. If your website is slow to load or has problems, it will simply go away.

Good hosting guarantees that:

  1. Your website will be online 99.9% of the time.
  2. It will load fast.
  3. They will help you in a matter of minutes to solve any problem that arises.

With this, you can sleep peacefully at night because you know that your website is in good hands.

What Makes Siteground WordPress Hosting the Best?

In this section, we are going to focus on shared hosting but if you need more, Siteground also has a wide range of fully configurable and expandable virtual servers.

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As I told you at the beginning, we have tried different hostings, both shared and virtual servers. Even on virtual servers, we have not performed as well as with Siteground’s shared hosting.

For more than a year, we have been using the Siteground GoGeek plan for our clients and on some of our websites, which is the highest plan, even with some of our sites boasting of more than 3,000 visits per day and our pages take much less than 2 seconds to load (which is recommended). Everything is great.

Previously we had worked with a Google virtual server that was difficult to maintain and gave us a worse performance.

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The best you’ll find at Siteground:

  • They are specialists in WordPress and their hostings are highly optimized so that your website can fly.
  • They use the best technologies: SSD disks, HTTP / 2, PHP 7.4, their own cache system …
  • They have a chat or phone support service that will solve your problems in minutes.
  • The more advanced plans also have a better cache system, free migration of your website, staging, and more server resources.
  • You can choose where you want your hosting to be located to be closer to your customers and that the speed is faster.
  • Your website will be safe thanks to its configurations and free SSL certificates

In short, it has the best that any hosting can have in terms of server power and quality of support and a very competitive price from $3.99 per month for starters.

Which Siteground Hosting Plan is The Best for Your Website?

Siteground offers 3 hosting plans that adapt to what you need.


  • For a single website with a space of 10GB and recommended for less than 10,000 visits per month
  • Includes free domain
  • Free SSL certificates, daily backup, free CDN …
  • The price with the initial discount of 73% is($ ​​3.99) per month (which you can take advantage of for 12 months).
  • Ideal for a website that is starting and that does not plan to have thousands of visits per month in the short term.
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  • It allows several websites on the same hosting with a space of 20 GB and is recommended for less than 25,000 visits per month.
  • Includes free domain.
  • Advanced options: more resources, dynamic cache, advanced backup, free migration, staging, and the possibility of adding collaborators.
  • The price with an initial discount of 73% ($ ​​6.69) per month (which you can take advantage of for 12 months).
  • Ideal for almost any type of website and it is the option we recommend for having the best value for money.


  • It allows several websites on the same hosting with a space of 40 GB and is recommended for less than 100,000 visits per month.
  • Includes free domain.
  • Advanced options: even more resources, white-label possibility, and priority advanced support.
  • The price with the initial discount of 73% is ($ ​​10.69) per month (which you can take advantage of for 12 months).
  • Ideal for projects with a lot of traffic, if the web is well optimized it can withstand much more than 100,000 visits.

As you can see, there is a good option for each case.

If you are starting and money is a problem, we recommend the Startup plan, but the most recommended is the GrowBig.

And only if you have an established website with many thousands of visits, we recommend the GoGeek plan, which is the one we use most.

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Analysis conclusions

At this point we are not going to discover anything new: Siteground is the hosting that we use and we recommend everything that we have explained to you.

There are cheaper alternatives, like A2hosting, Namecheap, Bluehost, etc.., which do not have such high quality but can be an option, especially to start a new project or with few visits. But if you can’t invest in these Siteground WordPress Hosting Plans to make your website work very fast, surely your biggest problem will not be hosting.

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