How To Publish An eBook On Amazon [Complete Guide]

I recently got back from the experience of authoring and releasing my first eBook using Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) program, so I thought I’d share my knowledge with you regarding how to publish an eBook on Amazon.

I believe that was one of the most beneficial experiences I’ve had in my career as a writer during the previous few years. I want to offer you some words of encouragement by suggesting that you keep working toward your goal of releasing your eBook on the Amazon website.

But if I may ask, what is the purpose of writing an eBook and publishing it on Amazon? What’s the actual purpose of it if you’re a digital marketer, blogger, copywriter, content strategist, or even a tailor? I’ve come to the following conclusions:

What You Need To Know About How To Publish An eBook On Amazon

Publish An eBook On Amazon
Publish An eBook On Amazon

I am about to share with you the most important reason why you should publish an eBook on Amazon. On the other hand, the significance of this cannot be overstated because it presents an opportunity for you to demonstrate your expertise to the rest of the globe.

You are sitting on a great idea, one that has the potential to completely alter your life positively and is very valuable. It is now the appropriate moment for your comments to be disseminated around the internet in order to act as a source of inspiration for other people.

If you publish an eBook on Amazon, which is now one of the greatest sites for eBook publishing, you would be able to deliver your information directly to your audience through the Amazon website. This would make it possible for them to access the information whenever they want.

Now that we have that out of the way, let’s have a look at the complete guide on how to publish an eBook on Amazon. After that, you may want to read the in-depth essay about learning the art of copywriting, which involves discovering the words and phrases that sell products.

However, did you know that if you follow this complete guide on how to publish an eBook on Amazon, I bet that you will never again bother to read any information that is focused on Amazon eBook publishing? This is a bold claim, but it’s one that I’m willing to make.

Now, let’s get started…

The Complete Guide To Amazon Kindle Publishing Guidelines

This complete guide to publishing an eBook on Amazon has been simplified into ten straightforward steps for your convenience. Therefore, it is important to follow the instructions attentively in order to publish an eBook on Amazon KDP.

Step 1. Create An Account With Amazon KDP

You need to begin by creating a free account on the Amazon website as your very first step. After that, you may continue to set up your Amazon KDP account by clicking on the page that is labeled “Your KDP Account.”

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On the other hand, you can discover this link in the upper right-hand corner of the home screen. The next step in the process is to register for a KDP Amazon account by providing your personal information and any other mandatory details.

Step 2: Give Your eBook A Fresh New Title And A Catchy Subtitle

After you have finished activating your KDP account, the next step that you should take is to publish an eBook on To get started, you need to click the icon that’s labeled “Your Bookshelf.”

Next, you will need to click on the icon that is labeled “+ Select a New Title,” which is located at the very top of the display screen. The next step is to choose whether your content will be in the form of a hardback book or a Kindle eBook.

Start by typing out the title of your book, followed by its subtitle. It is important to keep in mind that the word count of your title should be between two and five and that your subtitle should act as a list of eBooks that you have sold on Amazon.

Step 3: Decide Which Categories And Keywords To Use

The next thing you need to do is make a decision about what kind of category your book most likely belongs in. There will be a column for you to fill out such information, and it will have a wide range of categories that cover a number of literary subgenres.

Keep in mind that Amazon organizes the ebooks it showcases in its showcases according to categories. Therefore, if you want more people to read your eBook, you need to make sure that it is categorized correctly in the list of categories that are provided.

With the help of the drop-down box, you can select not only the number of keywords you want your content to contain but also the degree to which you consider those keywords to be relevant.

However, these keywords are extremely important in the process of publishing an eBook on Amazon since they determine where your eBook will be ranked in the results of the most popular searches conducted by readers who are looking for the content.

Step 4. Compose A Book Description

This article won’t be a complete guide to how to publish an eBook on Amazon if it doesn’t have “a descriptive book description,” in my opinion, because that description tells readers what the content of your eBook is all about.

If you want people to click on your book on Amazon KDP, the description of your eBook ought to create a sense of anticipation in their minds. In addition to that, it needs to give a comprehensive summary of the content that is included.

Because Amazon is one of the most successful platforms for eBook publishing, the company has mandated that all authors must make the product description page user-friendly, which serves as a synopsis of the main content of the piece.

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It’s recommended that you use between 300 and 700 words for the description of your eBook. In order to successfully publish an eBook on Amazon, you must ensure that your content is at least 300 words long at all times and never allow it to drop below that threshold.

Step 5: Send In Your Book

You will need to upload your eBook to Amazon in order to proceed with publishing it there. To accomplish this, click on the link that reads “Upload eBook Manuscript,” then selects the appropriate file type for your document from the drop-down menu that appears.

To avoid a jumbled mess of work, it is highly recommended to utilize the free Kindle Create tool that is offered by Amazon to check whether or not your eBook is properly formatted. You had the option to download it and make use of it before you uploaded it.

However, if you plan to publish a paperback on Amazon before you publish your eBook you will need to change the specifics of the eBook’s ISBNs and also indicate the number of ISBNs that you intend to purchase in order to meet Amazon’s requirements.

Step 6. Upload Your Book Cover

The next thing you need to do is submit the cover of your eBook, and the required dimensions for the cover image are (1000 x 625) pixels. Just click on the icon that says “Upload your cover file” and you will be able to properly upload your cover picture.

You might also use the preview button to get a sneak peek at how the eBook will appear on Amazon before you publish it. If you don’t already have a cover image for your album, you can make one using the “Launch Cover Creator” button even if you don’t have one.

Step 7: Establish a price

Before you can move forward, the price of your eBook needs to be determined. This is done under the “Book Details” area, where you select the sort of currency you want to use as well as the price that you want each copy of your book to be sold for.

Also, keep in mind that the amount of your content and the type of book both play a role in determining the percentage of royalties that would be allotted to you. After you’ve made these adjustments, proceed by clicking the “Save and continue” button.

Step 8: Determine Whether Or Not To Participate In KDP Select

Because you have to decide whether or not to enroll in KDP, this step is one of the most important steps in the process of publishing an eBook on Amazon, as it has been outlined as such in this complete guide on how to publish an eBook on Amazon

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If you decided not to participate in the KDP enrollment program, your eBook would only be made accessible in the form of a paid download, and customers would only be able to obtain it by downloading it from the Kindle store. This would be the case in the event that you made this decision.

If, on the other hand, you decided to enroll in the KDP, your readers would now be able to access your book for a limited number of days, and you would also be able to select how many times per year they could download your book.

Step 9. Determine Your Royalty Rate

Because it provides you with a wide variety of opportunities to make money off of your published eBook, Amazon KDP is an extremely useful service. However, the earnings from these royalties are calculated using a certain percentage.

Nevertheless, there are primarily two choices for royalty payments, and those are 35% or 70% of the royalty earnings. The goal of every writer should be to meet a certain set of criteria so that they can be considered deserving of the royalty rate of seventy percent.

Keep in mind that thorough research is required, and pick the royalty rate that corresponds to the percentage of your earnings. After you have completed those steps, select the royalty rate that you want, and then make sure it is what you want by clicking the “save and continue” button.

Publish An eBook On Amazon
Publish An eBook On Amazon

Step 10. Publish Your File On Amazon

This is the last part of our complete guide on how to publish an eBook on Amazon, so let’s get started! This step is the deciding factor in everything that you have been working toward, as you are now prepared to present your work to the rest of the world.

Simply clicking on the icon that has the caption “Save and Publish” will cause this to take place. Once this is done, your book will be immediately made available in the Amazon Kindle store, where it will be prepared for sale.

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After reading this in-depth article that provided a complete guide on how to publish an eBook on Amazon, it is my sincere hope that you will now be able to publish your own content by making use of the detailed step-by-step guide that was provided in the post. If you are able to do so, I would greatly appreciate it.

It is important to remember that you do not need to worry about any difficulties that may arise during the process of publishing an eBook on Amazon. Be on the lookout for additional details, and don’t forget to check back here for updates as they become available. Enjoy the rest of your day!

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